Battle over strawberry stall tears Aalborg municipality asunder
This article is more than 9 years old.
Gandrup locals are going up against officials who would like to see their strawberry stall torn down
The owners of a strawberry stall in the city of Gandrup in Jutland have received a letter from Aalborg municipality that has demanded they dismantle the stall within the next 14 days.
The municipality states that the letter was sent because the owners failed to seek permission to build the stall in a rural area – however, Gandrup’s 4300 locals have all since signed a petition asking for it to remain standing, reports TV2.
Public enemy no. 1
“Don’t they have anything else to do with their time?” complained owner Simon Peter Langkilde Jakobsen.
“Reading the letter, I became more and more upset about what you can and cannot do with this land here.”
The municipality has since agreed to look into the matter, assuring the country that it does not consider Jakobsen Public Enemy Number One.
“I will take the case back to the committee and see if we can reach an amicable solution,” said Hans Henrik Henriksen, from the municipality.