Chinese investors sign deal with Danish water tech companies
This article is more than 9 years old.
Waterworks project in China can open doors to many more opportunities for Danish exports in the future
Chinese investors from Yishui County in the eastern part of the People’s Republic are tomorrow signing a 5.6 million kroner deal with a Danish water tech group that will upgrade the local groundwater supply system to match international standards.
After two years of negotiations, Peter Ølbye of the Danish company ChinAqua – which aims to deliver clean and safe drinking water in China – and his partners from a number of Danish water tech companies have landed a contract to deliver a groundwater-based solution with a capacity to supply 80,000 cubic metres of water a year, including the installation of circulation pipes to two cities.
The facility should be completed by February 2017.
READ MORE: South Korea investing millions into Danish water tech
Groundbreaking opportunity
“This, in itself, is groundbreaking, but what is even more interesting is the fact that we are signing a framework agreement. So, if the delivery of the first waterworks is to everyone’s satisfaction, the door will be open for the delivery of another 100 plants, which could increase Danish export potential by 400-700 million kroner,” Ølbye stated.
“China is an important market and an important business partner for Danish companies and there is a great potential we must make sure we follow up,” said Mads Leth-Petersen, the vice president of the Danish Nature Agency.
The water tech group consists of suppliers of various waterwork technologies and services, including GEO (groundwater extraction), GEUS (groundwater management), Archiland (design of smart, sustainable buildings), EUROWATER (water treatment plants production), Blue Control (systems for management, control and monitoring of waterworks), Mycometer (testing equipment for microbiological contamination), Dines-Jørgensen (design and technical advisor) and ChinaRM (training and development of groundwater management).