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Bike tour: Copenhagen from a very logical angle
This article is more than 9 years old.
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Saddle up and get yourself out there !
To be green and new in any European capital carries with it a whole load of baggage of good and bad experiences. No matter if you’re a tourist or expat, the first contact with a city is magical at first: everything is colourful, fun and breathtaking. As the time goes by, along with your breath and nerves, you also lose money trying to make the experience as authentic as possible. A simple remedy for this situation lies in a very nice combination of a city tour with a professional guide and what completes the essence of the Copenhagen lifestyle – riding a bike.
Last week, when I tried the Nova Fairy Tales public bike tour, I celebrated exactly one year of my life in the Danish capital. In that time, I’ve seen all the ‘Top 10’ spots for tourists, several times (every time a new member of your family visits, you’ll at some point find yourself at the Little Mermaid and Christiania, I guarantee you), and I like to believe that my experiences in this town today amounts to something more than that of a mere tourist.
This tour not only included an interesting day of riding an electric city bike for the first time, but it enlightened me about many of the city’s locations that I had started taking for granted. You’ll put a big distance behind you without even realising it, all thanks to a funny guide who bursts with fresh and useful information about sites you thought you knew everything about.
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Something for everyone
The locations you visit, depending on your guide and the weather, include: Rundetårn (Round Tower), Strøget, Statens Museum for Kunst (National Gallery of Denmark), Kastellet, Den Lille Havfrue (The Little Mermaid), Amalienborg, Nyhavn, Kongens Nytorv, Christiansborg, Den Sorte Diamant (The Black Diamond), Christiania and Vor Frelsers Kirke (Church of Our Saviour). The groups are usually small, so everyone can ask questions, and if you want an even more focused group, you can opt for a personal tour.
Taking in interesting parts of town – some of which are hidden or ‘secret’ locations – this tour is well-suited to tourists as much as seasoned Copenhagen veterans. Had I enjoyed a clear state of mind upon arrival (looking for an apartment, a job and information on Danish taxes can brew up a storm in anyone’s brain), I would have embraced the benefits of this tour during the first months of my life in Copenhagen. But this way I’m not really late to the party– I just got an opportunity to look at the city from a different angle.
Marin Milosavljevic
More information: novafairytales.com
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