Asylum-seekers walk across Øresund Bridge to Sweden
This article is more than 9 years old.
First group made it across earlier this month
A group of five young refugees managed to walk from Denmark to Sweden across the Øresund Bridge earlier this month, according to the Swedish police.
On May 12, a group consisting of youngsters under the age of 18 walked down the tunnel by Kastrup, onto the bridge and all the way to Sweden without being stopped.
“It’s illegal and dangerous for themselves and others in the traffic,” Ewa-Gun Westford, a spokesperson for the Southern Swedish Police, said according to Metroxpress newspaper.
“So it is essential that they are discovered in time. We also want to encourage the public to call us if they see refugees in the tunnel.”
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More expected to try
Westford said that it was Denmark’s responsibility to keep the refugees from crossing the bridge.
The Swedish police met the group and transferred them to the immigration authorities so they could seek asylum.
The Øresund link is fitted with a number of alarms that go off if people try to walk through the tunnel leading to the bridge, and the group on May 12 triggered the alarms and ended up halting the train traffic going across.
According to the police, some 55 people have tried to cross the bridge on foot and more are expected to try.