Gonorrhoea epidemic gripping Danish youngsters
This article is more than 9 years old.
There have been around 2,000 confirmed cases over the past year
The feared sexually-transmitted disease (STD) gonorrhoea is spreading quickly among the population in Denmark following several decades of stability.
Over the past year there have been almost 2,000 confirmed cases, and it is particularly prevalent among the younger generations. In 2010, there were 600 cases.
“Gonorrhoea cases are increasing rapidly, and it is on its way to becoming genetically established in Denmark,” Susan Cowan, a doctor at the State Serum Institute (SSI), told Metroxpress newspaper.
“We have yet to reach the high figures from the 1960s and 70s, when thousands were infected every year, but we are well on our way, unfortunately.”
READ MORE: More chlamydia cases registered in Denmark
Recent ressurgence
Gonorrhoea was almost completely gone in Denmark during the ’80s, when the fear of HIV pushed the Danes to be more careful and use protection. But since then, cases have been on the rise.
Cowan said that SSI encourages all people who have been infected with the STD to inform former partners they could also have the disease.
About a half of the infected women have no symptoms, while the same can be said of a third of the infected men. The most typical symptoms are a burning sensation during urination and a throat infection.