New tech speeds up detection of salmonella and listeria in Danish ducks
This article is more than 9 years old.
The rapid tester could mean less infected meat finds its way to consumers
It currently takes several days to process salmonella tests, but DR reports that new technology could provide results in as little as an hour.
Faster results, better meat
The technology is currently being developed at the slaughterhouse Dansk And i Struer.
Mogens Madsen, from the consulting firm Dianova, believes the faster times could prove crucial in making sure infected meat doesn’t find its way to grocery store shelves.
“With this concept, you can get results so fast that you can reach out to intervene [quickly] in the process if something is wrong,” he was quoted by DR as saying.
The new salmonella tester could go into production this summer.
NaturErhvervsstyrelsen has reportedly contributed 6.6 million kroner to the project.