Schools News in Brief: More students in debt
This article is more than 9 years old.

Shorter days in school and higher requirements in the universities? Let’s see how that will work out
More students in debt
More Danes are failing to pay back their student loans. The total debt has jumped from 21.3 to 29.1 billion kroner since 2010, as the number of delayed payments has increased from 5,000 to 8,000. Carsten Tanggaard, an economics professor, blames high unemployment among recent graduates. The number of students taking loans has increased from 385,571 to 452,185 during the time period.
Debating Syria
Students at the NGG International School debated the refugee crisis at a Model United Nations (MUN) conference on Monday. Six student delegates from the middle years program – representing Denmark, Sweden, Germany, the UK, Syria and the US – experienced what it feels like to discuss current global issues at an international forum arguing on behalf of their respective country.
Shorter school days
Public schools in nine municipalities are shortening their school days. They are taking advantage of a loophole in the school reforms highlighted by the education minister, Ellen Trane Nørby, in response to complaints from students and teachers. The schools are replacing supportive classes and homework cafes by offering more focused classes with two teachers at the same time.
Journalists for a week
Ekstra Bladet and Politiken’s three-week media competition for the nation’s students kicks off next week. The ‘My Body My Rights’ competition, organised in co-operation with Amnesty International, challenges public school students aged 12-17 to work as journalists whilst learning more about human rights, and also sexuality and reproduction. Prizes are awarded in different categories.
Minimum grade
The University of Copenhagen plans to introduce a requirement that prospective students must have a grade average of at least 6 in the first round of admissions to bachelor programs. The Danish government and a majority in the Parliament have agreed to pass a new bill that will make it possible for universities to introduce minimum grade requirements for study applications.