Bornholm planning to become popular wedding destination
This article is more than 9 years old.
The island has great potential, but more investment is needed, reveals a report
Some 126 internationals got married on Bornhlom last year (photo: Allan Ajifo)
Bornholm would like to attract more foreigners to choose the Danish island as their wedding destination, reports DR.
However, the Baltic Sea island has a long way to go before this vision becomes a reality, reveals a new report from the Centre for Regional and Tourism Research.
Last year, only 126 foreign couples recited their wedding vows on Bornholm, while almost 3,000 couples got married on the island of Ærø, south of Funen, in the same period.
Ærø has for years marketed itself as the perfect wedding destination, while most foreigners tend to get married on Bornholm for legal reasons – not because of the island’s charms and hospitality.
“Most of the wedding ceremonies [take place here] to obtain a visa or residence in the country,” Pernille Lydolph, the head of tourist agency Destination Bornholm, told DR.
“It is easy to get married in Denmark, so it’s the legal system and not Bornholm that matters to them.”
Lotte Helms, the chairman of the Commerce and Employment Committee on Bornholm, believes in the island’s potential and says more funds from the region’s budget will be allocated to promoting Bornhlom as a wedding destination.