The most googled Danes in 2015: astronaut Mogensen and sexy politician Klæstrup
This article is more than 10 years old.
The most searched foreign celebrity in Denmark was the US transgender Caitlyn Jenner
Andreas Mogensen is the first Dane to enter space (photo: AndreasSchepers)
The search engine Google has released lists of the most searched people and questions in 2015.
In Denmark, the most ‘googled’ men were astronaut Andreas Mogensen, journalist and politician Mads Holger and rapper TopGunn.
The list of most researched women is topped by the young, conservative politician Nikita Klæstrup, followed by actresses Søs Egelind and Ena Spottag.
As for foreign celebrities, Danes were most curious to learn about the US transgender icon Caitlyn Jenner, the US basketball player Lamar Obom and the Australian TV presenter Ruby Rose.
Questions-wise, topping the list were ones about how to vote in the December referendum and who to pick in the general election in June.
Other top ten lists can be viewed here.