This year’s Christmas hit banned on public roads in Denmark
This article is more than 10 years old.
The use of Segboards is barred by state agency
Nice! Maybe you can ride it around the kitchen (photo: Ben Larcey)
Segboards – small, two-wheeled, battery-powered personal transport vehicles – look set to be one of the big Christmas presents this year.
But transport agency Trafik and Byggestyrelsen has thrown cold water on the fun by publishing a notice saying that Segboards are illegal on public roads and cycle lanes.
While people over 16 years old can still use a Segway on roads and bike paths, the handleless Segboard is only allowed on private property or in closed spaces.
“Typically Danish”
“It’s so typically Danish,” Camilla Rosenborg, the owner of Z-way in Copenhagen, told Metroxpress. “When something new comes along, we ban it at once.”
Rosenborg has been selling Segboards for the past six months, and she told customers she was confident they would be approved for road-use since Trafik and Byggestyrelsen has permitted the use of Segways since 2011.
READ MORE: Police targeting bikes and mopeds in traffic safety campaign
The transportation agency said it deemed the Segboards illegal on public roads because they do not meet the requirements regarding hand control and there is no place to put a warning bell.
The photo used in this story was taken from