Swedish asylum rejects not welcome in Denmark, says Støjberg
This article is more than 10 years old.
Neighbours “have no-one but themselves to blame for the current mess they’re in”, says minister
Sweden announced on Thursday that it can no longer guarantee that all asylum-seekers attempting to come to the country will be granted accommodation, encouraging some to return to Germany or Denmark instead.
No-one but themselves to blame
This prompted a response from the minister for immigration and integration, Inger Støjberg, who placed the blame squarely on Sweden’s shoulders.
“First and foremost, I’d like to say that the Swedes have no-one but themselves to blame for the current mess they’re in. They’ve pursued a very lenient immigration policy for years,” Støjberg told Jyllands-Posten.
Refugees not welcome
Støjberg, who has already spearheaded a campaign that published ads in Lebanese papers dissuading refugees from coming to Denmark, was asked what the government would do if the refugees took Sweden’s advice, to which she said she would not be opposed to taking further measures to keep them at bay.