More Danes infected with sexually transmitted diseases
This article is more than 10 years old.
Some were treated for gonorrhea or syphilis several times in the same year
The number of Danes infected with a sexually transmitted disease such as gonorrhea, syphilis and chlamydia has significantly increased, reports Metroxpress.
In 2014, a total of 1,260 Danes tested positive for gonorrhea, 530 for syphilis and 30,881 for chlamydia.
In the case of gonorrhea and syphilis, the number more than doubled over a one year period.
READ MORE: Jump in syphilis cases for second year in a row
Mostly in big cities
Most of the infected people live in large Danish cities.
For instance, in Copenhagen 64 out of 100,000 were infected with gonorrhea in 2014, while only five people got the disease on Bornholm.
Meanwhile, five times as many people in eastern Jutland were infected with syphilis compared to North Zealand.
Still, some people never learn to practice safe sex.
According to figures from Statens Serum Institut, 37 Danes were diagnosed with gonorrhea several times in 2014 and six of them were treated for the disease three times.