Listeria found in Coop cubed ham
This article is more than 10 years old.
Batch of ham from Polish producer recalled
A batch of cooked ham cubes from Coop has been recalled after listeria was found in the product.
Food watchdog Fødevarestyrelsen said that the Polish company Zaklady Mięsne NOVE recalled the product after finding listeria in its own control samples.
The Coop cooked ham cubes, which were produced on 30 July 2015 with a sell-by date of 27 August 2015, have been sold at Kvickly, SuperBrugsen and Dagli’Brugsen stores throughout the country.
Toss it out
Fødevarestyrelsen said customers should throw out the product or return it to the store where it was purchased.
Last month, four Danes were infected with listeria after eating a product from Hjerting Laks. One elderly person died.
READ MORE: Another death traced to Listeria
Last year, 14 people died after being infected by listeria infection – most of them after a major outbreak that originated from food company Jørn A Rullepølser.