The high price of Facebook revenge
This article is more than 10 years old.
Using social media to track down crooks can be costly…to the victim

Think twice before you post that pic (Photo: Spencer E Holtaway)
Posting photos of someone without their permission, for whatever reason, can cost the poster up to 5000 kroner.
People often take to social media to share photos of someone that has allegedly wronged them in some way to get help in tracking down the perpetrators.
A boat owner on the east coast of Jutland had his boat stolen from a harbour, and he published photos of the thieves putting the boat in the water in hopes of getting an identification.
Call the cops
The police said that sharing unauthorised photos on social media is the wrong way to go.
“We advise people to bring the videos or photos to the police so that we can use it to investigate the case,” Jacob Beyer from South Jutland police told DR Nyheder.
Charlotte Tranberg, a lecturer in personal data law at Aalborg University said that publishing photos of people without their permission, even criminals, can be illegal
“It can be problematic for the person that publishes the photo,” said Tranberg. “It is not legal.”
Read More: Seven-fold increase in personal data releases
Consequences for taking your beef public on social media could include a 5000 kroner fine from the data protection agency Datatilsynet.