More eastern Europeans settling in Denmark
This article is more than 10 years old.
Rather than sending money back home, new figures suggest that foreign workers are staying put

There are more foreign workers in Denmark (Photo: skeeze)
Despite claims that many eastern Europeans working in Denmark establish no real connection here, figures show that out of 55,000 currently living in Denmark, 28,000 have had their Danish CPR number since 2010 or earlier.
“The money earned here helps them realise the dream of a better life in Denmark,” Jonas Felbo-Kolding, a researcher in eastern European immigration at the University of Copenhagen told Berlingske.
Adding, not subtracting
The salary and benefits given to eastern European employees is often a hot bed of political discussion, especially when it concerns workers that send their money back home to countries where the cost of living is lower than it is in Denmark.
Dorthe Sindbjerg Martinsen, a researcher for the Centre for European Policy told Berlingske that it is becoming more and more obvious that eastern European workers overwhelmingly contribute to, rather than take away from Danish society.
READ MORE: Government making millions off eastern Europeans
Erik Simonsen, a spokesperson at workplace group Dansk Arbejdsgiverforening went even further, saying that Denmark “could not possibly do without these people”.