Every second school in Denmark burgled last year
This article is more than 10 years old.
Expensive computers and low security are an invitation to burglars

In May, burglars stole computers worth 250.000 kroner from a technical school in Kolding (photo: Pixabay)
Over half of the schools in Denmark were burgled last year, according to the national police, as schools reported some 1,667 break-ins.
“Burglars have figured out that schools are easy to access, with iPads and computers just lying there,” Christian Ostergaard, a senior consultant at the Crime Prevention Secretariat of South Jutland Police, told Metroxpress.
Need for better security
While business companies have recorded a 17 percent decline in break-ins over the past two years, school burglaries have increased by almost 5 percent in the same period.
“Schools are often deserted in the evening hours and weekends, and many of them are not properly secured against burglary. Both municipalities and school management must think of better safety, just as companies do,” Ostergaard commented.
A quarter of a million
A technical school in Kolding has recently experienced several break-ins.
Most recently in May, over just one weekend, burglars stole Apple computers worth 250,000 kroner.