Bigger campus for AAGE
This article is more than 10 years old.
New campus will be able to accommodate up to 500 students and a preschool

Aarhus Academy getting bigger (photo: AAGE)
Aarhus Academy for Global Education (AAGE) has been allowed to purchase a new campus location at Dalgas Avenue in the city centre.
Aarhus Municipality has recently adopted a new business plan, ‘A business city in growth – Denmark in progress’, and decided Aarhus needs to offer foreigners more opportunities for work and education in order to have a greater international impact.
Space for preschool
The new building, with access to the nearby sport facilities at Ingerslevs Boulevard, will cost the academy 34.5 million kroner.
The purchase of the property was made possible thanks to a donation from the Salling Foundations.
The new campus will be able to accommodate up to 500 students and will have enough space even for a preschool.
Until now, the AAGE preschool has been located in Højbjerg, about five kilometres from the city centre.