Things to do
A comprehensive guide to Roskilde Festival’s camp scene
This article is more than 10 years old.
Everything you need to know about not missing out on the pre-music festivities

Unlike other festivals, the music isn’t a factor during the first few days of the Roskilde Festival. These are known as the warm-up days, during which camps made up of groups of festival-goers dominate the campsite areas with their activities and parties. If you’re a newcomer, here is some vital information on how to not miss out!
Invest in transport
Last year was my first time at Roskilde Festival. My friend and I decided to save 20 kroner on the shuttle service from Roskilde Station to the festival grounds. This decision, although it seemed reasonable at the time of its making, was as stupid as it sounds, and was followed by instant regret.
We ended up schlepping our backpacks, crates of beer and camping gear for three hours in the boiling heat (this was also due to a navigational failure en route).
As a result we arrived at the site well after 90 percent of all the other festival-goers had already arrived, marked their territory and set up their tents.
All set for the Great Race
Luckily we were only two, but it was a close shave finding a spot to pitch a tent near the central festival area – and this is really where you wanna be camping, as this is where the music happens, literally.
So if you exceed a two-man-show, be sure to turn up nice and early with your group and join in the race for a good spot the moment the gates open.
Queuing for a day beforehand to get a front spot in the race is worth it too, as the partying already kicks off in the queue thanks to some chilled ‘Danish happiness’ served in cans and the incredible energy of the people and numerous camps.
A tale of three cities
Roskilde Festival has three designated areas – ‘Dream City’, ‘Street City’ and ‘Game City’ – where the activities and events take place. Event timetables for these can be found in your Roskilde guide.
However, for a truly authentic Roskilde Festival experience, it really is all about camp-hopping from camp party to party across the festival site.
The Top Three Camps worth paying a visit:
1: Camp Ping Pong

Established in 2011, Camp Ping Pong’s members have been owning the 1980s sports look ever since. The smaller the shorts and the bigger the mustaches, the more successful you’ll be at ponging it out! Wrist and head sweatbands, Bjorn Borg underwear, tight personalised camp t-shirts and fanny packs are absolute MUST-HAVE accessory essentials for the modern ping ponging gentleman.
The camp was voted camp of the year in 2013 and theme camp of the year 2014. Last year the camp beat the world record for having the most people at one time playing ping pong around a table. It also has its very own theme song, ‘Rundt om bordet (Jeg er professionel)’, which was created by one of the camp founders, Emil Lyngbo, and Niki.
“Every year is different, but this year we almost only consist of new-pongees,” René Hansen from Camp Ping Pong explains. “It’s awesome because it means anything can happen! No matter what, it’s gonna be epic!!”
2: Camp Luksus

Established in the summer of 2010, the core group of Camp Luksus has stayed the same with some new additions and leavers here and there. And we’re very happy they’ve kept up the good work! The camp really spices things up by bringing the party to the people with a state-of-the-art sound system of approximately 10 meters in length rolling on wheels as it’s pulled by a lawnmover across the festivities. If that isn’t swag, I don’t know what is. If you can’t spot the Camp Luksus sound system, you’re probably in the wrong camping area. The camp’s theme is ‘party’ and they really take things to the next level. “Whereas Stannis is supposed to be ‘the bringer of light’ in Westeros, we are ‘The Bringers of Party’,” Camp Luksus explains.
3: Camp Burt Reynolds

Established in 2006 by ‘a couple of drunk friends’ who thought Burt Reynolds was the sexiest guy since the invention of beer bongs, this camp has been creating a great place for all Roskilde Festival goers (new and old) to chill out and have fun at.
Just sharing the experience of the Festival and giving back to the Roskilde community is one of their main goals.
Be sure to check out this camp for a great time!
Camp Coffin:
Not in our top 3 list, but worth an honorable mention as this chill camp during the day partners up with the Pongers at night at the Agora for some good tunes and epic dance-offs.