Things to do
Out and About: The asphalt jungle
This article is more than 10 years old.
A recap of two days of party in the street

Booze, sun and music – is there more you need for a great start into the summer?
the only weekend where it becomes socially acceptable to sit on the asphalt drinking, with the added bonus that everyone could forget all about the election craziness that occupies Danish minds these days.
The street parties in Nørrebro and Vesterbro last week on Wednesday and Thursday started with a decent amount of sun as people prepared for a night out on the streets. Copenhageners arriving early, with their first drink of many in their hands, turned some of the main streets into a catwalk as they showed off tanned legs.
The later the night got, the more intense the crowd and music. Drifting through the streets, there were no limits to the madness. Raving, dancing, celebrating – mainly the crowd but also the DJs – the room between the bodies got tighter and tighter as the mood became unbeatable.
The shawarma man was on the deal of a lifetime, nearby restaurants sold toilet visits for up to 100 kroner, and an old lady lifted everyone’s mood by handing out free shots of gammel dansk.
Most of the sets finished at 10pm, but there was no need to stop the flow – more so in Vesterbro than Nørrebro, but maybe Thursday is a better choice to party. The occasion lent itself to improvised sounds as Copenhageners ensured the after-party continued into the early hours, going wherever the crowd – or their glazed sight – led them.
(all photos: Luisa Kyca)