Penis artist invading Folkemødet
This article is more than 10 years old.
Controversial artist inviting visitors to political gathering to paint a picture using his built-in brush

Notice he has to use his hands to help support the painting (photo: Uwe Jensen)
Have politicians written public policy with their penises before? Well, probably, there was Mark Anthony after all, but even he never used one to create a picture.
But all that could change at Folkemødet later this week where the politicos in attendance will have the chance to paint by penis.
As if the ultra-nationalists and anti-Islamists weren’t enough to create security concerns and controversy, bizarre performance artist Uwe Max Jensen has come up with the crazy scheme to offer out his manhood to create art.
Willie or won’t he?
Jensen has used his member to paint canvases in the past, including a version of the infamous Kim Kardashian ‘booty shot’.
Although the mind boggles at the possibility that anyone would be interested, Jensen will be waiting at a stand every day from Thursday to Sunday from noon until 1pm.
READ MORE: Controversial artist pisses off Round Tower
Those wanting to use the artists’s ‘brush’ to create a gratis painting should bring their own canvas and paints.
Out of respect for his tender implement, Jensen has requested that only acrylic paints be used.