Things to do
Coming up Soon: Tango classes, Tales from childhood and the Mad Matter’s Tea Party
This article is more than 10 years old.
There is a lot to do this week

Enjoy ballet outdoors! The Royal Danish Ballet is giving a free performance to preview its next season. Bring your picnic basket and drinks and admire the beauty of these majestic dances (June 9, 19:00-22:00; Fredens eng, Christiania; free adm) (photo: iStock)

Get your skirt on for tango with Argentinians. Beginners’ introductions are from 13:00-14:00, followed by several hours of freestyle tango dancing (June 7, 13:00-19:00; Dome of Visions, Søren Kierkegaards Plads, Cph K; free adm) (photo: iStock)

Through the Mirror, Tales from Childhood’ will be performed in English by the Suoni Chorus and CPH International Children’s Chorus. It’s a classic animal story ideal for the family! (June 6, 19:00; Christians Kirke, Strandgade 1, Cph K; tickets: (photo: iStock)

The Philippines is celebrating 117 years of independence and wants you to join them. Enjoy an afternoon of fun, Filipino food and a raffle with huge prizes (June 6, 12:00-20:00; Skottegårdsskolen, Saltværksvej 63, Kastrup; free adm, raffle tickets 25kr) (photo: iStock)

Source ingredients, spices, jewellery, clothes and crafts at the Latin American market this Sunday. It’s the perfect place to discover things you won’t ever find in Netto! (June 7, 12-17:00; Høffdingsvej 10, Valby; free adm) (photo: iStock)