Few Danes care about Father’s Day
This article is more than 10 years old.
The celebration of fatherhood is not very popular in the Danish kingdom, a recent survey shows

“You see that branch, son. That’s where I’m going to put you if you forget next year. And remember, I want beer!” (photo: Pixabay)
Tomorrow’s Father’s Day should be renamed ‘Big Disappointment Day’, or at least for the Danish fathers who take it seriously, as only one in three are celebrated by their families, according to a study by YouGov.
Chocolate for doing housework
“I think more people celebrate Mother’s Day because, historically, mothers have been doing most of the boring housework at home and have been the primary caregivers,” Kenneth Reinicke, a gender researcher at Roskilde University, told Metroxpress.
“Mothers have ‘sacrificed’ themselves and therefore deserve more attention than fathers.”
Mothers would be disappointed
Reinicke points out that mothers are also more likely to get disappointed if they don’t get flowers or chocolate on Mother’s Day than fathers would be.
“For some men, it can get a little ridiculous to get flowers on Father’s Day,” Reinicke said.
Gifts for 200 kroner max
Those who celebrate both Mother’s and Father’s Day (23 percent) said they spend equally between 100 to 200 kroner on presents for their mothers and fathers.
In Denmark, Father’s Day is celebrated on June 5 and coincides with Constitution Day.
In neighbouring Sweden and Norway, Father’s Day is celebrated in November.
The study was based on interviews with 1,004 people aged 18-74 between May 22 and 24.