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This week’s TV: Massacre on the dancefloor
This article is more than 10 years old.

No Carly, this isn’t a Danish doc about Warren Beatty … this takes delusion to an entirely new level.
Pick of the week: Dig! (DR3, Fri 00:50)
How director Ondi Timoner managed to get through this Sundance-winning documentary without The Brian Jonestown Massacre and The Dandy Warhols having a full-on fist fight is a mystery.
Focusing on the rivalry between the West Coast bands, it’s a reminder that stardom can bring out the worst in us, but that’s nothing compared to the antipathy felt by those you leave behind.
In a pivotal scene midway through the film, there are no prizes for guessing who ‘We used to be friends’ was written for!
The story focuses mostly on the contrasting personalities of the frontmen. Anton Newcombe (TBJM) is a musical genius but might be a psychopath, while Courtney Taylor-Taylor (TDWs) will do anything to achieve fame.
Whether you’re a fan or not, you’ll love this messy, intimate world of sex, drugs and rock and roll. A perfect fit for your Friday midnight. (EN)
Also New
No idea why DR1 are paying homage to Jane Austen this week. It might be the 200th anniversary of the publication of Emma, or 20 years since the BBC’s super-popular Pride and Prejudice (Sun 22:10) was first broadcast, but is that really a good enough reason to revisit modern reworkings Death comes to Pemberley (Sat 20:00) and Lost in Austen (Sun 23:55)?
Old enough to remember the 100th anniversary, or nearly, are the stars of the 2014 documentary Hip Hop-eration (DR2, Sat 21:00). Three wannabe Iggys in their 90s get jiggy with P Fuddy-duddy at a tournament in Las Vegas. It’s a hoot!
Staying with the ladies, Miss Representation (DRK, Thu 20:00), the entire series of The Story of Women and Art (DRK, Wed 23:20) and She Wolves: England’s Early Queens (DRK, Tue 18:55) explore issues of inequality in different continents and eras. All three are recommended.
Elsewhere, Junk Food Kids: Who’s to Blame asks why a third of British kids are overweight (surely it’s more!) and World’s Best Diet (SVT1, Mon 18:45) has the answer; Russell Brand: End the Drugs War (DR3, Tue 23:20) speaks for itself; and PBS doc Sounding the Alarm (SVT2, Sun 22:10) investigates why ebola wasn’t contained sooner. (BH)
Coming soon: Other Space
If you’ve seen the movie Bridesmaids or heard of Freaks and Geeks, you’ll flip over director’s Paul Feig new sci-fi comedy.
The year is 2105. A group of young astronauts go on a space-mapping mission when they suddenly crash into a mystery universe. With a great deal of ineptitude they try to cope with new adversities such as aliens and robot rebellions.
Quirky, and not for everyone, this is a ridiculous outer space to rival Hitchhiker’s. It’s not quite a classic but give it time. With 66 score on Metacritic, you know it’s a safe bet. (EN)
Sport of the week
We’ve been spoilt for good sport this past month, and now we must suck it up. Yup, it’s athletics season and the battle of the cheats. Gearing (get it?) up for this summer’s World Championship (SVT1, Sat 22:00), the frontrunners are heading for Eugene (recently named host for 2021). Meanwhile, the French Open (Eurosport, all week) continues and the Giro d’Italia (TV2, Sun 14:30) concludes … finally. (BH)
Film of the week
Our pick, Take this Waltz (SVT2, Fri 21:45) is a disarmingly well-observed dramedy with likeable leads who really know how to screw up a good thing. Return to Zero (SVT2, Thu 22:15) is a heartbreaking account of a couple going through a pregnancy after the failure of their first. Neither rate as highly on IMDB as the absurd In Time (TV2, Fir 20:55) starring Justin Timberlake. Go figure. (BH)