White-tailed eagle sensation in Odsherred
This article is more than 10 years old.
Nature authorities are urging people to keep their distance

First white-tail eagle chick in the area in over a century (photo: Jørgen Scheel)
Ornithologists and nature enthusiasts nationwide are flocking to north Zealand to catch a glimpse of a recently-hatched white-tailed eagle chick in Odsherred. It’s the first time that a white-tailed eagle couple have bred in the area for over a century.
The pair have been nesting in Ulkerup Forest south of Nykøbing Sjælland since at least May 17, and the two adults are flying back and forth with food for the chick. The nature authorities Naturstyrelsen have urged the public to keep their distance from the nest.
“The eagles are very shy, so it’s important not to get too close to the nest,” said Jens Peter Simonsen, a Naturstyrelsen forester. “If the eagles feel bothered, there is a risk of them giving up trying to teach the chick how to fly.”
“So we encourage guests to the woods to keep to the paths that are a safe distance from the nest.”
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Critical time
The nest is difficult to spot through the thick foliage of the dense forest, but there is ample opportunity to view the adults as they soar above the tree-line.
The adults can also be viewed at the nearby protected bird area by Hov Vig, where they head several times a day to hunt fish and water fowl such as coots.
Should the parents be successful at getting the chick airborne, it should be able to fly around the beginning of July.