Shots fired in Greater Copenhagen suburb
This article is more than 10 years old.
Crash victim says he was fired on in Farum, possibly by mistake

Shots rang out in Farum from two separate incidents yesterday (photo: Bobbfweb)
Police investigating a car accident in Farum involving just one vehicle yesterday got a bit of a surprise. The motorist – who was only slightly injured – said he had been fired at by someone using a gun in the Greater Copenhagen suburb, and that is why he crashed.
Cops found shell casings in the area of the accident and are proceeding under the assumption that the man was telling the truth.
“We are still investigating whether there have been shots fired, but we believe that there were. We found shell casings in the area,” Dan Houtved from Copenhagen Police told TV2 News.
The shots were fired at around 19:00 yesterday near a petrol station on Frederiksborgvej in Farum.
Not necessarily gang-related
There were also reports of more shots being fired at a driveway in a residential area, also on Frederiksborgvej.
Police therefore believe that mistaken identity may have been involved in the first incident.
A total of three vehicles were involved in the two shootings, but police say there is no evidence that the incidents are gang-related.