Things to do
Mid-May events 3: Click into gear and into the future
This article is more than 10 years old.

(photo: Flemming Bo Jensen / Click)
CLICK festival
May 14-17; Kulturværftet, Allegade 2, Helsingør; various prices;
Science fiction provides a historical timeline of visions of the future. As many of its ideas go from being fiction to becoming reality – for instance, mobile phones were originally communicators in Star Trek – the futuristic festival CLICK looks at the intersection between art and technology.
This year the theme is inspired by a specific Philip K Dick short story that questions what reality means in a world of computers. The festival consists of four components: ‘Live’, which includes a 24-hour live event; ‘Seminar’, which gathers a bunch of experts and asks them to discuss the festival’s theme; ‘Performance’, which includes a show by celebrated PowerPoint artist and Talking Heads frontman David Byrne; and ‘Play’, which invites everyone to a day of kids play work around this theme in very different ways.
You can listen to Ellen Fullman’s ‘long string instrument’, a 30×5 metre beast of an instrument, see holograms or try sleep experiments. Expect to find electronic-inspired internet art and technological music outside of the mainstream and listen to the artists discuss various issues with each other. Luddites and hipsters might not be the primary audience, but technophiles won’t go home disappointed.
The only thing that can stop you is your imagination – that would go against the festival’s tagline “Embrace new territories, explore new maps.”
Carpark Festival
May 16, 13:00-23:00; Under Bispeengbuen, Frederiksberg; free adm
The ultimate relaxation party with sofas to lounge on, tasty food and beverages and music. Hang out with friends or bring conversation-starters with you to make new ones.
Kagens Dag
May 19, 12:00; Copenhagen City Hall, Cph K
Honour baking by eating cake for charity. Tickets go on sale on April 20 and grant access to up to 50,000 cakes baked on the day by local bakers. Time to book that day.
Coleur Café
May 23, 12:00; 20kr, Bragesgade 8, Cph N; under 15s free
Celebrate all things African at this festival, held for the 13th time this year. Music, drums, dancing and food are all key components. You can also meet NGOs and societies.