They love their sex toys in Randers
This article is more than 10 years old.
Excitement in Eskebjerg as town leaps 500 places up the rankings
When it comes to sex toys, no place in Denmark uses them as avidly as Randers, according to figures from the national statistics holders Danmarks Statistik and the sex toy shop
The figures showed that, on average, people in Randers, Jutland buy 2.09 times more sex toys than the national average. Jordrup (2.07) on Funen and the island of Rømø (2.04) finished second and third respectively.
The top 10 was rounded up by last year’s winner Uggerløse, which dropped down to fourth on this year’s list, Knebel, Aarhus North, Copenhagen South West, Bøvlingbjerg, Aalborg East and Gørløse.
READ MORE: Organic sex toys are hitting the spot
Conservative Marslev
This year’s big jumper was Eskebjerg in Zealand, which shot up from 532nd last year up to 27th this year, while sex toys were least popular in Marselv on Funen, which ranked 591st.
The findings, which are based on the last 100,000 orders from, also showed that bondage products were the most popular products compared to last year, which the webshop contends is due to the ‘Fifty Shades of Grey’ craze.
Check out the sex toy map of Denmark here (in Danish) at