Things to do
Early-May art 2: The boundaries between dream and reality
This article is more than 10 years old.

At the crack of dawn
ongoing, ends May 23; LARMGalleri, Bredgade 73, Cph K;
The group exhibition At the Crack of Dawn deals with what happens in the early morning: the transition of the human being from a state of being a simple perceiver of its surroundings to being in a state of actual awareness and in this form being able to make sense of the environment.
Including work from the likes of Toni Matelli, Gavin Turk and Nicola Samori, it explores the boundaries between dream and reality, and how human subjectivity works. It attempts to investigate media constructions and how they channel and influence the means of communication.
The Beauty and the Uncanny
ongoing, ends June 13; Tranen, Gentofte Hovedbibliotek Ahlmanns Allé 6, Hellerup;
French artist Valerie Collart plays with optic illusions and spatial dimension in her sculptures and photographs, in which she makes references to sci-fi and computer-animated worlds.
Camilla West: ‘Stilhed’
ongoing, ends June 20; Nordahl & Nissen Contemporary, Bredgade 65A, Cph K; see Facebook
Danish landscape painter Camilla West gets her inspiration directly from the natural forms and shapes of nature and attempts to use natural colours.