Why innovation: Rule-breakers and game-changers
This article is more than 10 years old.
As the CEO and innovation adviser at the communications agency U (u-communicate.dk), Mette’s most important responsibility is helping organisations who have lost sight of their very reason for existing – their ‘raison d’être’ so to speak. She reminds them that it’s not about looking good, it’s about being successful.
When new business models are born, the established industry often reacts with denial or lawsuits.
David and Goliath
But as soon as we humans have tasted the sweetness of Popcorn Time, the ease of paying with Bitcoins and cut our expenses to the accountant, we have new expectations of the established industry. Legal or not – it has changed the game.
When David and Goliath fought each other, David won. Not, as many think, because of his size, his agility or him being smarter. He discarded the established rules of fighting and changed the game, making Goliath unfit to win.
Size does not matter
It is not about being small or big and not about knowing the industry inside out. Size and experience does not make you more or less eligible to win. Apple is big and is still changing the game, Popcorn Time is small and does not know everyone in Hollywood. Actually I believe they prefer not to. They must have something else that makes them the people’s choice.
I do not cheer for people or companies breaking the law. But I see a great opportunity in trying to understand their rules and game. When they annex the world faster than you can say ‘marketing plan’, it means they are on to something.
Understanding human needs
We humans buy what we have desires for. We are rarely conscious of our needs, but we act based on them – by instinct.
So the next time you with arrogance and expensive marketing campaigns try to convince your customers how your service is the best because it was established in 1820. Stop. And start asking WHY the new service is appealing and how it eases their lives.
You may actually end up sending the rule-breakers a thank you note.