More Danes using bicycles
This article is more than 10 years old.
Number of cyclists up for the fourth consecutive year

More and more Danes are using two wheels to get around (photo: heb)
More and more Danes are choosing to cycle as their method of transportation.
Danes are biking more than they have at any time in the past 20 years.
“We have invested heavily in cycling in recent years,” Magnus Heunicke, the transport minister, told Politiken.
New bike paths helping
New figures from Vejdirektoratet, the road directorate, show that approximately 3.1 billion kilometres were cycled in 2014 – an increase of seven percent on 2013.
Heunicke said that the construction of several ‘cycling super highways’ in recent years may have contributed to the increase of biking miles.
Read more: Every fifth Dane has nicked a bicycle
According to Politiken, the route from Farum into Copenhagen has seen a 52 percent increase in usage since it was converted into a cycling superhighway in 2012.