Danes set new Dankort record
This article is more than 10 years old.
Cards swiped nearly five million times in one day

Danes nearly wore out their Dankorts over Easter (Photo: Nielsmo)
Danes used their Dankorts at a record pace during the Easter season. On Wednesday, 1 April, the last day before the holiday period began, Danes used their credit cards nearly five million times. A record setting pace.
“After a slight downturn in retail business in February, the news that Danes set records using their Dankort may be a sign that consumer spending is again on the rise,” Henrik Hyltoft, marketing head at business support group Dansk Erhverv told Jyllands-Posten.
Pay day spending
Total sales were also at a near record pace. The 1,718 million kroner that changed hands on 1 April was surpassed only by the 1,750 million kroner that turned over on 22 December of last year.
“There are always more sales during major holidays, and people had just been paid during Easter, so they spent more on things like spring clothing and shoes for the kids,” said Hyltoft.
Some of the increase may be due to more and more shoppers using MobilePay.
READ MORE: Increase in Dankort spending in December
Last year was the first time after six years of decline that retailers in Denmark saw a slight bump in sales.