Google Maps to help drivers in Denmark
This article is more than 10 years old.
Changing lanes on confusing roads to become easier
Google Maps has finally brought lane guidance functionality to its app for Denmark and 14 other European countries.
The lane guidance feature allows drivers to figure out what lane they need to be in when getting ready to make their next manoeuvre. The functionality is especially handy when drivers are entering and exiting multiple lane roads – dual carriageways, motorways etc – where driving can get a bit confusing.
Of course, for driver safety, the app uses voice guidance and gives you step-by-step directions so you don't have to take your eyes off the road to look at the screen.
Jyllands-Posten reports that for Denmark the functionality is a bit limited, but it does include the country's main roads.
Other European countries who also now have the app include Nordic neighbours Finland, Norway and Sweden, as well as Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Greece, Hungary, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Portugal, the Netherlands and Switzerland.
Lane guidance has been available in the US since May of last year, and in December, France, Germany, Italy, Ireland, Spain and the UK were the first European countries to get the new app feature.