More commuters saddling up for the bicycle superhighway
This article is more than 10 years old.
Some 52 percent more cyclists taking the healthy route
More and more commuters are dropping the car and hopping on their bikes to take the bicycle superhighway from Farum to Copenhagen to work, according to a new report from the consultancy giant COWI.
The report found that 52 percent more cyclists, many of whom used to drive to work, are using the 21 km bicycle superhighway on a daily basis compared to 2012.
”It's especially positive that we are seeing new cyclists,” Jens Mandrup, the head of the environment and traffic committee for the capital region Region Hovedstaden, told Berlingske newspaper.
”When commuters leave their cars for the bicycle, we experience less congestion, less pollution and a better health situation. The positive result gives us a really good argument for the municipalities to finance the establishment of all 28 [proposed] routes in the region.”
READ MORE: Bicycle superhighways expected to save society millions
Grand plans
Calculations show that the planned network of 28 superhighways has the potential to lead to 34,000 fewer sick days and an annual CO2 reduction of 856 tonnes.
It could also save the city 60 million kroner a year and around 2.7 billion kroner over the next 50 years.
It takes about 40 minutes to cycle from Farum to Copenhagen using the bicycle superhighway, which is faster that it takes to drive during rush hour and about the same as it takes on the S train.