Government reveals new digital growth plan
This article is more than 11 years old.
A package of 23 initiatives in four key areas are intended to strengthen digital Denmark
In a bid to improve Danish companies' ability to utilise IT, data and E-trade to generate growth, the government has unveiled its new digital growth plan.
The business and growth minister Henrik Sass Larsen said that the digital growth plan was essential to the growth of Danish business and would strengthen Denmark's ability to compete.
”We'll release new frequencies for mobile broadband from 2020 in order to improve coverage, particularly in the outer areas, because the Danish consumption of mobile data is doubling every two years,” Larsen said in a press release.
”The vision of the growth plan is to make Denmark among the best nations in Europe to develop and utilise data and IT to create growth and jobs.”
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Four critical areas
The digital growth plan (here in Danish) includes 23 initiatives spread out over the four central areas: good mobile and broadband service nationwide, stronger IT and data use in Danish business, the promotion of digital competencies and learning tools, and public digitalisation focusing on business.
The initiatives include making available the 700 MHz band frequency for mobile broadband from 2020, partnerships with the business sector concerning E-trade, Big Data and digitalisation, the establishment of a business council for IT security and a business-orientated development pool for digital learning tools for 40 million kroner.
The contents of the digital growth plan is subject to parliamentary negotiation and approval.