Every seventh divorce ends badly
This article is more than 11 years old.
Short marriages are particularly vulnerable to an ugly end
Divorce is never easy for families with children, but for 14 percent of them it ends grimly, according to a new survey by psychologist Søren Sander in co-operation with the Institute of Psychology at the University of Copenhagen.
The survey, which is based on the answers of almost 1,000 divorced parents, defined 'a bad divorce' as one involving children in which the parents are unable to take part in important family events together and can't speak to one another.
”Often it's about being able to spend time with their children,” Sander told DR Nyheder. ”Finance is another important factor, and when you ask them they also say it's a lot about personality.”
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Short and intense
While an ugly divorce could strike anyone, Sander contended that particularly short marriages were vulnerable and about 20 percent of the bad divorces lasted less than three years.
People have children, get married and get divorced in a very short period of time, according to Sander, so it can be very stressful and intense.
In 2012, more than 46 percent of Danish marriages ended in divorce – the highest divorce rate since 2004.