Russia cutting back on imports again
This article is more than 11 years old.
Danish agricultural products could be hit hard
Russia continues to take a tough stance against countries that have imposed sanctions against it in the wake of the crisis between Russia and Ukraine.
Starting tomorrow, Russia will tighten the ban on imports of agricultural products from a number of countries, including Denmark, according to food authority Fødevarestyrelsen’s website. Russia is claiming that the products it intends to ban do not meet the criteria for Russian imports.
Stopped at the border
Fødevarestyrelsen has not seen any concrete information on what products will be banned in this latest round and could not rule out the possibility that companies that have products in the pipeline to Russia may see them turned back at the Russian border.
Russia has already prohibited the import of some agricultural products from the US and other countries including Denmark, Canada, Australia and Norway.
READ MORE: Russian sanctions threaten Danish agriculture
Russian imports of food from the West amounted to nearly 96 billion kroner last year.