Social media opposition against Jensens Bøfhus gathering pace
This article is more than 11 years old.
Expert warns steakhouse chain to not underestimate the power of social media
An expert has warned that Friday’s Supreme Court victory for the restaurant chain Jensens Bøfhus – which requires Jensens Fiskehus, a restaurant in the northern Jutland town of Sæby, to drop ‘Jensen’ from its name – could backfire on the restaurant chain.
Various Facebook pages pledged to boycotting the steakhouse are quickly attracting support, and over 5,000 people are planning to attend an event tomorrow at a Rådhuspladsen branch of the restaurant.
A shitstorm on the way
Kresten Schultz Jorgensen, the chief executive of LEAD Agency, a consultancy firm that specialises in strategic communication and corporate branding, warns Jensens Bøfhus to not underestimate the power of social media.
“This could be quite serious for Jensen’s Bøfhus,” he told DR.
“There has been a big shift in the last two to three years, during which time plenty of companies have been surprised by the kind of shitstorm social media like Facebook can generate.”
Country’s most common name
Jensen is Denmark’s most popular surname. Over a quarter of a million of its population are called Jensen – approximately five percent of the total.
Jacob Jensen fought for three years to use ‘Jensen’ in the name of his restaurant.
But after an initial victory at a business court, Jensen’s Bøfhus appealed and the Supreme Court reversed the decision, ordering Jacob Jensen to pay the chain 200,000 kroner plus a further 150,000 kroner in court costs.