Twice as many charged with carrying illegal knives
This article is more than 11 years old.
Politicians call for information campaign to draw attention to the problem
The number of people being arrested for carrying illegal knives has doubled in just four years, from 383 in 2009 to 798 in 2013, according to figures from the Justice Ministry.
The number of convictions for crimes committed using a knife has also risen, from 97 to 164 during the same period.
“These are crazy numbers,” said Kevin Yunai, the head of the Nej til Knive i Nattelivet (no knives in nightlife) association, told Metroxpress. “We need campaigns to get these weapons off the streets.”
Rappers against knives
Yunai said that politicians should develop an amnesty program that would allow people to drop weapons off at police stations without fear of penalty. Yunai has enlisted Danish celebrities like rappers Nik & Jay to be part of the no knives effort
Copenhagen police have repeatedly said there are too many knives on the street.
Convictions not rising as quickly
The Crime Prevention Council pointed out that although the number of knives has doubled, convictions for knife-based violence had not risen as sharply.
“The number of knife attacks has not significantly increased,” said prevention council spokesperson Anna Karina Nickelsen. “We have previously campaigned against knives in nightlife. It may be time to do it again.”
READ MORE: Anti-gang task force seizes 33 knives
Karina Lorentzen, the chairperson of parliament’s legal committee, said she will discuss the issue with Karen Hækkerup, the attorney general.
“I am open to the idea of a program that will allow people to dispose of illegal weapons,” she said.