Listeria now turning up in fish
This article is more than 11 years old.
Infection continues to widen into more types of food
The northern Jutland company Geia Food has recalled a batch of røget ørred (smoked trout) after listeria bacteria was found in some samples, according to a release from the food authority, Fødevarestyrelsen.
The fish is sold at Rema 1000 stores under the Musholm brand with expiration dates 25 September 2014 and 29 September 2014.
Fødevarestyrelsen has advised customers to throw away the fish or return it to the shop where it was purchased.
More sick fish
Halibut, called hellefish in Danish, from Hjerting Laks should also be binned or returned to the Irma supermarket where it was purchased.
According to both Fødevarestyrelsen and Metroxpress, frozen fish from as far back as 1 June may be infected. Hjerting Laks has previously had problems with listeria infection.
However, Statens Serum Institute (SSI) said that it has not yet heard of anyone contracting listeria from infected fish.