Danes sign on to NATO Alliance initiatives
This article is more than 11 years old.
More focus on multinational co-operation
The defence minister Nicolai Wammen has signed agreements today at the NATO summit in Wales ensuring that the Danish armed forces will contribute to the NATO Alliance’s solutions in highly-prioritised areas.
The summit aims to ensure that NATO possesses the tools required to meet new strategic challenge and tackle exiting threats.
“The signing of the four documents today means that we have made sure that the Danish armed forces will contribute significantly to the Alliance’s problem-solving,” Wammen said in a press release.
“We underline that Denmark is a core nation in NATO and that we lead the way in terms of contributing to the Alliance’s high-priority areas.”
READ MORE: US wants Danish defence budget increased
Four central themes
Wammen’s signature of intent today means that the Danes will lead a multinational project involving precision weapons, take part in a joint military reaction force and help increase the preparedness at NATO’s corps headquarters in Stettin, Poland.
Furthermore, Denmark is increasing its focus on multinational co-operation by taking part in an initiative that will establish the foundation for new areas of collaboration.