An actor’s life | Time flies
This article is more than 13 years old.

Dear reader, hope this finds you well and happy as we race into autumn. At least it’s still relatively warm and sunny. We should try to enjoy this, because if we fast-forward four weeks: W-h-o-o-s-h! What we will strain our eyes to try and see in the darkness, and worse the constant greyness, will be grim faces surrounding us in this fair city. I’m only making an observation.
I’m not criticising. How can I? I’m Scottish. We have the same weather as Denmark and when it’s miserable, it seems we are too.
People on boats are keen it seems to wave to everyone, and those being waved to tend to want to wave back. Different rules apply on dry land me hearties!
Another reason to celebrate all things British has just come to a close. We have had an extraordinary summer of sporting success with Andy Murray’s victory in the US Open deserving a special mention. But our ability to stage the Paralympic Games so well and so quickly after the Olympics has confounded the sceptics. The athletes with disabilities have shown us all what is possible with their courage and skills.
I hope this positive, feel-good factor with and about ourselves as a nation continues. I hope that the idea of presenting alternative sports will capture the imagination of the TV stations, and they’ll note that these can have financial benefits for them too. Viewing figures for the Olympics on TV and in the stadiums exceeded all expectations.
I’d rather watch proper sports as opposed to people who love themselves too much wearing sunglasses playing poker. When did that become a sport by the way? I must have missed the meeting.
Talking of sports, I wonder why school sports aren’t encouraged in Denmark? Schools don’t seem to have playing fields or have the desire to fan the flames of future sports stars. I just think this is a shame and a missed opportunity. It would encourage an esprit de corps and pride of belonging to a school.
I’m not espousing school uniforms, but competitive school teams would have many benefits. Is it because there aren’t any PE teachers, as such, I wonder? If fate hadn’t led me to become an actor, I would have been a PE teacher, probably with human biology as my other subject. Funny how things turn out, isn’t it?
Harold Pinter represents the best of British too. Our next play is one of his finest, ‘Old Times’, which runs from October 24 until November 24 at Krudttønden.
Visit www.billetten.dk for tickets, and you are all welcome to follow That Theatre Company on Facebook or at www.that-theatre.com.